Do you know,Ahmadinejad,Iran's leader;declares his god,Allah has told him to bring about the end time war(which Iraq already is the end time war , leading to Armageddon)so as to hasten the coming of their messiah(Christ is the ONLY Messiah) so he will destroy Israel & Christians (all infidels) and will save them? He also says, their messiah should come in late March. Do any of you even begin to realize just how serious this is?
God is saying to take it seriously.
USA already has terrorists in our nation, everywhere;(and all the world) I want to say the numbers are in the millions. In Words I received from God in the mid 90's; they were planning their dirty deeds back then. God said, they will put canisters everywhere throughout the USA , undetected by us.He said(Nuclear & germs) He said, they will go off simultaniously everywhere, and we will not be able to keep up with the catastrophies, and many will die from the Fright.
God is saying, the world(sinners) hate the prophets and God & His Word. God wants me to point out to you all,; the True Prophet of God does not present a feel good message........The True Prophet speaks God's Truths, God's warnings,exhortations etc. God says, the false prophet speaks Peace where there is No Peace .; and are found in the churches.The people in the churches want only messages that will make them feel good,God does lift up His people w/ good uplifting words, but God will also correct & exhort, and warn.
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a Letter from hell - dare to share version
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God wants that His people are warned of these last days.Do not be caught in that last hour without Christ as your Savior.****and eating a wafer is not receiving Christ......Christ is a relationship, He comes in & dwells in us col.1:27 & Rev.3:20......being born again has nothing whatsoever to do with baptism.Confession is acknowledment of our sins to God directly with a sorrowful heart as He only hears our hearts...1John1:9,10...and fully repent away from all sins unto Christ Luke13:3, if you do not, your soul will perish in hell & the Lake of fire Mark9:45,46 & Rev.20:10-14 God wants that you know..when Christ laid down His life for you & shed His Blood for you on the cross, not only did that prepare the way for your salvation & forgiveness & thru Him everlasting life.....BUT by His death & resurrection were we reconciled back unto the Father.... so we pray directly to the Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus. No human being can obtain forgiveness for your sins ,no human can ever cleanse your soul from sins , only the power of the shed Blood of Christ /not water, if you believe that... you indeed reject Christ & His shed Blood.and His salvation & everlasting life.....
*****The weather is God's fury. Even the lack of rain, lack of cold, or too much rain & or snow.Crops dying off,Even the hole in the Ozone is of God....He will scorch those on the earth , who will not believe & repent , of course this is Armageddon. All nations are equipped w, nuclear weapons, do not be deceived. The worst feared thing is coming to pass, where terrorists have in their possession nuclear weapons.AND the nations are lining up for Armageddon. Today is the day of your salvation tomorrow may be too late, God could require your soul this very night, Rev.20:12 there are no 2nd chances after your earth body will die, your works(only 2 kinds of works=good ofGod or evil of the devil) will follow you & you will be judged by them Rev.20:10-14..............Luke13:3 if you do not repent (away from your sins to Christ)you(your soul will perish)in hell & the lake Rev.20:10-14 of fire....God is so grieved how false religions teach the Lake of fire (total destruction)is where their soul goes to be purified....a false teaching from hell..............God is saying, He has done so much for you, Forgiven you,healed you,delivered you,supplied you with all of your needs, and how you do not ever give Him thought , how many of you never ever give Him thanks, or show Him your love at all.So many of you today are saying, Oh God said that to Israel, God is not saying that today to us...and that God is Love and He will Not do anything to us...God wants you to know ,He is God & God alone, that there is no other God besides Him,and that His Word stands forever , in fact it is the Book of Life....and you will be judged out of all those things in the Book of life, it is the Books talked of in Rev. which you will be judged out of."The Holy Bible"."The Word of God "Heb.4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.and 2tim3:16 & Gal.1:6,7 God wants that you are reminded & warned Deut.4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.Prov.30:6 Add thou not unto his words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a mighty & cautiously careful Rev.22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:*****2peter1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.God spoke exactly what He meant, if people cannot understand God's Word ;it is because they are perishing.Just as Scripture says. ........and to all of you who love God walking in obedience to God...He wants that you draw nigh to Him thanking Him for all things He has given to you & done for you...God is saying in no way, will He be in the back seat or on the back burner anymore by His own Children, ( you more or less take God for granted........God is saying...all things belong to Him alone, and all the money in this world belongs to Him & He will Give it to whomever He so chooses and whenever He so chooses. God is saying, to many of you have I given much wealth,great houses ,cars etc. filled your food cabinets with much food, healed you ,prolonged your life...brought your missing family member back ,and you forget about Me? says the Lord....Nomore says the Lord...He is saying...Remember Me in all things Just praise His Holy Name!!!!
Nov.1,'08.....The Lord Said, Everything will crumble around us,everywhere.......thus saith the Lord;where will your eyes be, On your possessions and things of this world? Which all of these things will perish, will be nomore, or will your eyes be on Me,says the Lord,and things above,which will not ever perish?You cannot make it without Me now says the Lord, you must die to self, crucify your flesh,dying to all its lusts & desires,decrease so that I may increase ,says the Lord.
Many many will be lost & running & not knowing which way to turn, You are the Light in the World, the salt of the earth says the Lord, do not hide your light under a bushel , says the Lord; so let your light shine forth for Me who is in you, says the Lord.Your Lamps are filled, wicks are trimmed, My Word is hidden in your heart says the Lord, so you will be on the streets sooner then you think or can even begin to imagine ,says the Lord...reaching the Lost for Me, Things are not as they seem at all says the Lord, many many are deceived says the Lord, I once again have placed before you 2 paths, one of evil & one of good; once again you are to choose between good & evil...I say, says the Lord, go by My Word.........Prayer changes things says the Lord, if My People(who abide in Christ) and are called by My Name,will humble themselves , call on Me says the Lord, I will forgive them & heal their land. Do you trust in Me says the Lord? or is it all about Money?....which Master do you trust in? Me or the World says the Lord?I have told you before,says the Lord, unless you become as a little child, you in no way will enter into My Kingdom, says the Lord.......the Lord means , a child trusts 100% in their father,depending on Him for all their needs,(physical,emotional ,all things)so we too must also trust 100% in God through Christ Jesus by His Spirit , and He too will provide all our needs according to His Riches in Glory. As God prospers you , in clothing ,food,money,all belongings(which are already His)You must also give unto the needy, all things you have received of God, this is giving into God's Kingdom all for the Glory of God.(and the teaching of the TRUTH of My Word,says the Lord........Now says the Lord, if you love your life & want to save it(trusitng in the things of this world, and not Me says the Lord;you will lose your life & perish without Me ,says the Lord,But if you lose your life for MY Names sake & the Gospel, you will keep it. So, we are to look to God for all things, and we are to serve God in all we say & do , all to His Glory, trusting Him alone for all of our needs & not being concerned about the things of this World, which all are passing away.
This already is happening (His Word)7/09
The World will not be at all as it was before says the Lord, even My Word is considered a hate crime, and I have told you, I am Holy & you are to live Holy unto Me says the Lord, and NO SIN can EVER enter into My Kingdom says the Lord.The Lord is saying, The World is upside down & gloing to hell w/out Christ, BUT we who belong to the Lord Thru Christ Jesus appear as upside down to the World, and so they say , we are the ones going to hell. Keep your eyes upon Me says the Lord, stay in My Word & be in prayer w.out ceasing;(this means we pray in our spirit always as we go, in all we say & do )and abide in My Word says the Lord. God says, I have not given you a Spirit of fear, fear is of the devil.....yes your flesh will fear at what it sees , says the Lord, but your flesh is under control , as you have crucified your flesh & died to all its lusts & desires.....and through Me you will come through the fires ,afflictions & trials of this world, without Me you cannot make it says the Lord.A'men
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
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